Tuesday, July 20, 2010


stuDiorama is a home based mini studio. We are currently growing as an art studio in which specialize making diorama, miniature and movie props. Our custom made art works are suitable for any of your purposes. No matter what genre type of a collector you are, we provide an optimum service yet negotiable variety products for your own convenient.

Most of our artworks are handmade. We do realize that every person likes to have something that is different from what other people may have. We provide a custom made art works and use only premium materials for better results. But we always open for a discussion if you have a pressed budget. Our design process begins with a brainstorming ideas between us and the client, this way we could translate our client’s imagination into a conceptual sketches.

Some of our products are already exhibited at several local events and published in medias. Our products come with a custom wooden, resin, acrylic, plastic base at your own choice, in the near future we will attach a metal plated stuDiorama signature and glass or acrylic cover box cover included if you pleased.

So what are you waiting for? Your collections have been longing to be displayed in an exclusive proper way. We are willingly to discuss and ready to visualize your own imagination.

All characters and related materials are trademark, copyright, and/or registered trademarks of their respective license holders and/or owners

This site is not endorsed by any of the companies owning the trademarks of characters seen here, or their affiliates and parent companies.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

SHREK Diorama conceptual sketch

This is my SHREK diorama conceptual sketch. This sketch didn't get through the brainstorming process nor presented to the client like any other dioramas that I developed. It was meant to be a surprise present for my friend's son 1st birthday present. The main idea of this diorama was a stage performance like. I tried to capture the scenes from the movie and transformed them into one scenery that represented SHREK movie scene environments. To be honest I wasn't very happy for the result, I also owed them some finishing touches but my friend loved it a lot and that thing made me happy.. If you want to see the final result of the product please just click my last April 23 2010 posting..

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Order 66 community published in Warta Kota

Komunitas Para Penggila Star Wars

Berangkat dari persamaan hobi sebagai pencinta dan penggemar film Star Wars alias Perang Bintang, mereka pun meleburkan diri dalam sebuah komunitas. Order 66. itulah nama wadah sesama pencinta dan penggemar film fiksi ilmiah itu. Order 66 diproklamirkan pada 27 Januari 2008. Wadah tersebut saat ini beranggotakan 500-an orang. Para anggota Order 66 mendapat sebutan Troopers. Mereka saat ini tersebar di Jakarta, Bandung dan Surabaya.

"Pada Intinya Order 66 ini dibentuk sebagai wadah untuk saling berkomunikasi dan berkumpul sesama pencinta dan penggemar film StarWars." kata Gautama Oktavidya ( 29) mewakili Riza Satyagraha selaku koordinator dari Order 66 kepada Warta Kota Senin (22/3). Keberadaan komunitas Order 66 mendapat dukungan dari Pihak 20th Century Fox Indonesia yang merupakan Licensor Star Wars movie di Indonesia. Bahkan beberapa anggota Order 66 terdaftar sebagai anggota dari Star Wars Fans Club International sejak lama.

Mereka yang bergabung di komunitas ini beragam usia, dari belasan tahun hingga 40 tahun. Profesi anggotanya pun beragam, dari anak sekolah, mahasiswa. PNS. karyawan swasta, hingga kaum profesional, seperti guru, dokter, pengacara, bankir, dan pengusaha.

Lalu seperti apa komunikasi untuk mencurahkan kesamaan hobi dan kecintaan mereka pada dunia Stars Wars itu? Selain melalui jaringan internet, mereka juga kerap menggelar kopi darat (bertemu langsung). Kawasan Kemang Utara F/4 Jakarta Selatan dijadikan markas mereka yang disebut sebagai Star Wars Indonesian Troopers Homebase (SITH)

"Biasanya kalau mau buat kegiatan atau event seperti gathering kita Janjikan untuk kumpul membahas rencana yang akan kita buat," kata Gautama. Kegiatan seperti gathering yang digelar misalnya untuk saling bertukar informasi seputar perkembangan film Star Wars, bertransaksi Jual beli trade collectibles items Star Wars antar anggota, nonton film bareng dan BBQ party.

Dan salah satu event yang baru-baru diadakan. Order 66 terlibat dalam pameran mainan tahunan "Jakarta Toys Comic Fair ke -6" yang digelar di Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta. Kendati demikian, kegiatan Order 66 tidak melulu seputar kesamaan hobi. Wadah Ini juga mencoba untuk berempati dengan lingkungan. "Kegiatan sosial tetap menjadi perhatian kita juga. Kita ada dana sosial yang merupakan hasil saweran para anggota." kata Gautama dan kegiatan sosial yang pernah mereka lakukan sepertu baku sosial ke panti-panti asuhan dan menyantuni anak yatim.

"Kesempatan seperti selain bisa berkumpul, juga sekaligus beramal kepada saudara-saudara kita yang kekurangan." Imbuh Gautama yang sehari-hari bekerja di bidang event production. Sementara itu. Gegi Dharmika (30) salah satu anggota Order 66 mengaku tertarik bergabung karena bisa mendapatkan banyak teman sesama pencinta" Star Wars. Gegi yang mengenal dunia Star Wars sejak SD tu mengatakan, bertemu dengan sesama penggemar hobi bisa dijadikan ajang bernostalgia semasa kecil.

"Dari obrolan seperti ini bisa menambah wawasan juga." kata Gegi Dharmika yang memiliki koleksi film dan tokoh Star Wars era tahun 1970-an hingga 1980-an. Misalnya Luke Skywalker. Han Solo, Darth Vader hingga Princess Leia.

Lalu bagaimana bila ingin bergabung di komunitas Perang Bintang tersebut? Gautama kembali mengatakan, bisa mengirimkan email ke order66.sithyahoo. com atau langsung datang ke StarWars Indonesian Troopers Homebase (SITH). Untuk para anggota baru yang mendaftar akan mendapatkan I buah T-shirt exelusive Order 66 dan kartu anggota.

Selain itu membayar iuran keanggotaan sebesar Rp.60.000/tahun. "Kita Juga ada buletin rutin yang terbit setiap tiga bulan sekali. Isinya seputar aktivitas kegiatan para Troopers. info up to date tentang Star Wars dan Juga info event," tandas Gautama.

(Agung Nugroho)

This article published and released from the address : http://bataviase.co.id/node/147192

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gears of War handgun Props part III - FINAL

This is the FINAL result of my Gears of War handgun prop project. The client was very happy of the result and he asked me what if I could modify another two big weapons for the next projects. Well, I said Hell Yeah!!!.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gears of War handgun Props part II - PAINTING PROCESS

These pictures shown above are the "step by step" coloring process of my Gears of War handgun prop project which I modified a few days ago. The basic shape of the prop was a NERF-Maverick dart toy gun owned by the client. I didn't modify from it's basic shape because the client requested to do so. Though I was really tempted to modify this cool looking toy gun ;).

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Indiana Jones series figures

Recently I just bought these Indiana Jones 4 inches figure series. I have a plan to develop a series of diorama based on the Indiana Jones movie scenes. I'm still working on the conceptual sketches which I will publish the drawings by the time the dioramas have finished. In the mean time I still have so much home works to do, I have to watch all of the movies all over again and captured the scenes and transformed them into my sketches.. Hoo-Haaah

Note: Figures shown above are copyrighted by it's respected owner

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gears of War handgun Props part I (Coloring Reference)

This is the color reference which I used for repainting the NERF-Maverick dart toy gun. Although I didn't modify a bit from it's basic shape, but I tried to paint it at least close enough to this Gears of Wars Snub Pistol coloring theme. Can't wait to upload the painting process.

Note: This picture shown above is copyrighted by it's respected owner

Gears of War handgun Props part I

Gears of War handgun Props part I

Currently I'm still working on my Gears Of War handgun for costume props. Pictures shown above are the basic shape of the NERF-Maverick dart toy gun before the makeover. The client asked me to repaint the toy with Gears of Wars theme. Please be patient to see the result while I'm still working on this snub pistol.

Note: Pictures shown above are copyrighted by their respected owners.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Star Wars Universe Diorama early conceptual sketches Part II

This is my second version of the conceptual sketch on which approved by the client, although he asked me to change on the "Z" shape into a rectangular shape. The main concept was a massive battle between Jedi and Sith. We decided to set the scenery in the desert of planet Tattoine. Although in the actual Star Wars story these two places are apart, but we wanted to twist the story setting a bit. We decided to create a scenery that can represent the planet Tattoine in general. Beggars' canyon on the left side, that represented the outer rim and on the right side the scenery of the Mos Espa city..

Star Wars Universe Diorama early conceptual sketches Part II

This the first version conceptual sketch of Star Wars Universe diorama that I presented for the client's approval. He asked me to revise the concept in some areas, though he liked the general idea. I changed the scene that looked alike Jabba's palace scenery with the Tattoine's Anakin slave village. The general "Z" concept shape of the diorama also changed. I made the diorama into three modular sections for easy assembly. The size of diorama was 120cm in wide and 240cm in length.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Star Wars Universe Diorama early conceptual sketches

This is my quick conceptual sketches in the process of developing Star Wars Universe Diorama. These sketches are my interpretation of Star Wars planet Tattoine beggars canyon.


This is our new face, I came up with this logo through a little bit of a spontaneous researches. I wanted something bold but I also wanted a logo that has a magical , movie and entertainment feelings. I'm quite happy with the result and I hope you do too. Currently we're working on a costume props on which I will upload the production process and final artwork pictures very soon. For the meantime please enjoy our recent artworks!

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Making Of Star Wars Universe Diorama

These pictures show our steps from preparation, production process and displaying the diorama. The group consist of three architects (Gautama Oktavidya, Achmad Syakir and Syahirul Akbar) and one product designer (Gegi Dharmika). Although we have a different professional backgrounds but we do share the same passion in action figures and Star Wars.

These architects (with the black shirts) were not familiar in making diorama before. So it was my call to transfer all of the knowledge and skills that I had in a very short period of time. But most of them had experience in making architectural scale model during their college years. So it wasn't difficult at all to direct them how to twist in making diorama. Although it was a bit pressure for them when I showed them some of the "how to paint" the diorama. Especially the effects painting technique and bringing all the lifeness effects in the diorama.

Friday, April 23, 2010

SHREK Diorama

This is one of my recent projects that I developed for another a very good friend of mine. This SHREK diorama was for their son's 1st birthday present. I consider this project wasn't finish. I still owe them some finishing touches but they already fell in love with this work.